CSTOWN Answers


Can i directly order goods from your branch in US, for i live in America.

in Cooperation with CSTOWN - 4 answer - 3946 Day ago
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Dear Cherry, hope you'll get my message. As Alex replied, we have a very fast logistics delivery. If you are still interested in further cooperation, here is our contact detail (you can also find this info on this web): CHINA (Business Contact) Tel: 86-411-39769160 / 39769161 Fax: 86-411-39769355 Address: Floor15 Sunshine Digital Building, #596 Huang Pu Rd, High-Tech Zone, Dalian China 116085 Email: rhinestone@cstown.com We provide online chat, too. Please feel free to liaise!

3946 Day ago
They do not. They only send goods from China. But the shipment is not expensive. Even cheaper than from the US. You can contact their sales reps and ask them. They are hospitable.

3959 Day ago
I contacted Jerry before, he told me that there was no factory in the US. He was in charge of customer service but cannot ship goods from US. Their factory is located in China.

3978 Day ago
Hi Cherry, this is Alex from CSTOWN. Now we have our Las Vegas office in US, but we don't have factory there. So we can only ship goods from China after the production. It won't take long from China to America, usually 3-4 days.

3999 Day ago
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