CSTOWN Answers


Good Rhinestone/Rhinestud Manufacturer/Supplier

Hi everyone I am looking for a good quality rhinestone that is very durable when washed Can anyone recommend a manufacturer or supplier with good products and pricing? I don't want to waste time buying a bunch of samples etc, need word of mouth advic
in Cooperation with CSTOWN - 1 answer - 3484 Day ago
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Dear Emilie, Just read your question looking for good quality rhinestones. We are called CSTOWN, a company from China and we sell rhinestones and other bling materials too. Well since I'm a seller not a buyer, I can't say how good my products are. But we pass SGS washing test (20 washes durable). If you are interested, I can email you our price list with the SGS report. Hope we can help you!! Grace

3484 Day ago
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