CSTOWN Answers


How long do you think my customer could wear this clothes with the transfer pattern produced by your company? i need to explain to them.

in Iron on Transfers Knowledge - 3 answer - 3814 Day ago
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Dear Cathy, CSTOWN rhinestone transfers are not only well designed, but also good in quality. We regularly take examination by ourselves and most transfers pass the test of over 20 times washes by washing machine. Moreover, they still keep the original colors and brightness after 20 times washes. Of course, the fabric and all other factors can influence each transfer's life. But in general, our rhinestone transfers are very sticky. And careful protection can extend the life of a transfer, too, such as washing the garments by hands and so on... Hope above assists!

3814 Day ago
I pressed the rhinestones transfer on my uniform 1 year ago. I wore this uniform to school every workday. The stones never dropped off by now. Im very happy with that. I think they will firmly stick to the clothes for a long time.

3977 Day ago
Thank you for using our products. Our products are of high quality. The products are examined thoroughly and have been through the wash test. But how long they can last still depends on many things including how often you wear it and how you wash it.

3989 Day ago
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