CSTOWN Answers


What if i get no response at once when i consult online?

Should i leave a message directly or wait? From which way i can get the most professional answers quickly, please?
in Cooperation with CSTOWN - 5 answer - 3564 Day ago
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There are some ways: 1. call our sales rep. 2. email directly to rhinestone@cstown. 3. use contact page to leave a email to sale rep. The inconvenience may be caused by the instability of network or time difference. so leave a email there, our sale rep. will give you quick reply. Best wishes to you.

3564 Day ago
You can call them or email directly to rhinestone@cstown.com Sometimes maybe the network is not good enough.

3952 Day ago
Hi, I usually contact CSTOWN by email. So you could contact them by email too. Here is the contact page: https://www.cstown.com/contact-us.html.

3978 Day ago
Dear Sir, thank you for your reminding, it really is a problem we need to figure out. But the best way so far is to leave a message, then the customer service staff shall give you specific and professional answers to your question.

3999 Day ago
Welcome to CSTOWN and communicate with us online, we are sorry for the inconvenience. But you could leave a message, and will get reply as soon as possible for the sake of not wasting your time waiting.

3999 Day ago
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