CSTOWN Answers

Corbett James
Corbett James

What is exact time for the delivery sent to me?

What is exact time for the delivery sent to me? Once I place an order. Maybe not a big one. Say 50 pieces. How long will it take you? Anyone who helps me with above question, thank you!
in Cooperation with CSTOWN - 4 answer - 3898 Day ago
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There was one time that I got my package of order in 3 days. The fastest ever.

3898 Day ago
There was this one order of mine which just took 3 days. Really fast. But it's not that lucky to get such a quick delivery every time. Give it 5 days. I think it's enough.

3915 Day ago
6 days for me last time. They told me it's about 5 to 7 workdays.

3915 Day ago
Hello, dear customer! Regarding the information you asked above, normally the delivery should take 5 to 7 workdays to arrive at your address. As soon as you officially place an order, our colleague in the Sales Department will help follow up with the whole production and packaging, which can be done within one workday as your order is not a very big one. Then it will be delivered by DHL or UPS. We do have some fastest records of 3-day delivery. But we can't guarantee every order can be so fast. But 7 workdays is a max. One thing I have to remind, delivery can't be made on Sunday as Express Companies don't open that day. Orders placed on Sunday will be delivered on next Monday. That's one day delay. If you need more detailed information, please check our web page about delivery on: https://www.cstown.com/delivery.html

3918 Day ago
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