September 18,2018

Breast Cancer Transfer: Love, Hope and Courage

Breast cancer has become a major public health problem. 99% of breast cancer occurs in women and 1% in men.

What Is Breast Cancer?

Breast cancer is a malignant tumor on the mammary gland.

The tumor often feels hard and immovable, and it’s like an orange seed.

The symptoms of breast cancer can be shown in the picture below.

Some symptoms are common because of developing breasts, menstruation, infection, cysts, pregnancy or breastfeeding. But if the symptoms still exist outside of these situations, they are something that should be checked out.

Causes of Breast Cancer

According to experts, the incidence rate of breast cancer among women aged 0 to 24 is low. The rate rises gradually after 25 years, reaches a peak among women aged 50 to 54 and decreases gradually after 55. But during the age of 65 to 75, the rate increases again.

The incidence rate of breast cancer is also higher among women who are:

  • Menarche age is less than 12
  • Menopause age is over 55
  • First birth age is over 35

Besides, the following factors can also have a high risk to cause breast cancer:

  • Life pressure
  • High-fat diets
  • Obesity
  • Ionizing radiation


CSTOWN Invites You to Call for Breast Health

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month (NBCAM). In 1992, Evelyn Lauder and Penney created the pink ribbon as a symbol to raise awareness about breast cancer around the world.

In ancient Egypt, pink ribbon represents the female breast. Though pink is not the most beautiful color in the world, it can highlight the unique temperament of women – gentle, fortitudinous and confident.

The soft pink is so strong to call the public, especially women, to join the Anti-Breast Cancer fight.

Now we provide you with special ribbon themed heat transfer designs. They are not only ribbon themed designs but also related to love and care. We hope to make a contribution to cancer awareness by these designs.

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